Take a look at what I've been working on!

my asian yogurt
my weather app
my weather app
my travel app
my travel app
my portfolio

react dictionary app

Dictionary-app developed by React.js, a live API, hosting by Netlify and repository GitHub.

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my weather-app
my hello-travel

hello travel

Hello travel website is developed by advance HTML & CSS. This is my one of experimental worked on video background and also responsive.

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weather forecast app

This forecast weather app developed by advanced front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Advanced JavaScript techniques (ES6), a live API, hosting by Netlify and repository GitHub.
React weather app is my one more weather app. This app developed by React.js.
React weather app

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my weather-app
my asian yogurt

Asian yogurt landing page

This landing page created by basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Used popular coding technologies such as Visual Studio Code.

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Continue my coding journey by learning about responsive design to build my very own online portfolio. I used existing coding knowledge and also applied some new technologies to build a unique online portfolio. As like advanced Bootstrap (Navigation, Utility Classes, etc.), Flexbox, Multiple Page Hosting, Media Queries, and more.

click on open-source
my protfolio
my asian yogurt

Templates Text Generation AI

This website created by basics of Ruby and rails,SCSS, HTML, and Js. This is a group project done in Le Wagon bootcamp. Used popular coding technologies such as Visual Studio Code.

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Let's work together!
